
Thursday, 16 August 2012

The owl

When I was making gifts before Fathers Day I bought three plain vests for our Little Man and made the "SON" aplique on one of them. As I thought it looks fun I had an idea of making some apliques on two other ones. So I searched the Internet and found an Owl aplique pattern which I liked immediatelly. It was a bit too big for a 6-9 months vest, so I printed it out on 70% (not 100%) and made one for the Little Man.


Looks like he likes it :) It was easy to make and fun to look at so I would really recomend it :)


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!! I love this!

    1. Thanks, Lauren! It was a really fun project I enjoyed. Especially the fabric and eye button picking part. This buttons really affect the look - smaller or bigger they really change the whole owl! :) And thanks again for the pattern!
